Lewis & Clark Trail I
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Marcella Sandra Hisrchman

 2004 Allegro Bay 37DB

Here are some pictures from our Voyage of Discovery following the Lewis & Clark Trail in the summer of 2004
This trip was one of our best adventures ever. The summer of 2004 was the first of the three bicentennial years for the expidition

Camp Wood River
This is where the Corps of Discovery spent the winter before setting out to find the elusive Northwest Passage to the Pacific Ocean. It is at the confluence of the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, just across the river from St. Louis, Mo.
St. Louis - The Arch
The arch is the monument to Western Expansion. It is part of our National Parks system. Inside is a very nice exhibit about the Corps of Discovery and a good IMAX presentation, too.
The Signing of the Louisiana Purchse
Here's where it all began. Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and the other guy whose name we both forgot are shown signing the agreement. The plaque is on a monument on the grounds of the state capitol building in Jefferson City, MO
Keel Boat and White and Red Pirogues
These replicas were built by and belong to the Discovery group. These people re-enact the voyage of the keelboat and pirogues from St. Louis to the Mandan Villages in North Dakota several times each year. From 2004 through 2006 they will be sticking to the schedule of the original Corps of Discovery. We saw them in St. Charles, where the boats were built and stored, and then in Leavenworth and Atchinson, Kansas exactly 200 years after the original voyage.
Lewis & Clark in Iowa
Here are the captains with Lewis' best friend, Seaman, the Labrador Retriever. From historical references, the depiction of Lewis with the cockade hat and both men in unirofm are probably more accurate than the more famous profiles on the road signs that show Lewis in a tricorn hat.
Keel Boat
This replica of the keelboat was built by the same fellow who built the one for the Discovery Group. It's located in Lewis and Clark State Park, Onawa, IA. On Saturdays visitors can ride the boat for free.
Fort Calhoun, NE
This grouping of sculpture depicts the corps with natives they might have met along the way. Here the regular troops, which included French-Canadian, part-Native guides are included in the vignette.

More photos on Lewis & Clark page II