The Road Princess Gazette and other stuff written by me.
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Marcella Sandra Hisrchman

 2004 Allegro Bay 37DB


A quarterly, subscription newsletter about our full-timing lifestyle
In May, 1995, I created The Road Princess Gazette, as a little newsletter to inform our family and friends about our impending full-timing adventure. The first issue included our plans to purchase our first full-timing truck and fifth wheel.

Shortly thereafter, a friend who co-hosted the now extinct AOL monthly RV chat room, was building a web site for RVers. I agreed to send him a column every month in exchange for subscription information on his site. The newsletter developed a life of its own from then on.

That friend no longer maintains his web site.

The Road Princess Gazette is in its tenth year of publication. I have made many friends through this newsletter. One subscriber, Donna Monroe, provided me wonderful assistance by reviewing my book, Your Rolling Home-Housekeeping in an RV.

Throughout our travels we have tried to visit with subscribers whenever we are in their area. There are several full-timers who subscribe, too.

The Gazette, a six to eight page newsletter is published in February, May, August and November. For the first few years of its existance I printed it myself on an early Canon Bubble Jet printer. Now I go to Office Depot or Staples where they make multiple copies for me.

Through the years, I have been contacted by advertisers willing to pay for ad space in the Gazette. I refuse to do this. I don't want to be influenced by revenue issues when I state my opinions.

Subscriptions cover the expense of printing and mailing and I don't make any money from the publication. It's a labor of love that the IRS and I consider a hobby.

Another thing I refuse to do is publish The Road Princess Gazette on the internet or as an email subscription. I respect the printed word and so do my readers, some of whom don't have computers.

The Road Princess Gazette publishes RVing tips and information as well as travel stories and articles about our lifestyle. A large percentage of the contents of my book, Your Rolling Home-Housekeeping in an RV, came from past issues of The Gazette.

TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE ROAD PRINCESS GAZETTE, send a check for 20 dollars for two years -8 issues- to

Janet Wilder
102 Rainbow Dr., #198
Livingston, TX 77399-1002

Canadian friends, please send 23 dollars in US funds

IN IT'S 2nd PRINTING!! RV Traveling Tales - Women's Journeys on the Open Road
I was asked to contribute a story to this award-winning book. The only remuneration would be a free copy. What a deal! It's a beautiful book! Even if you know nothing abour the RV lifestyle, you will be moved by these stories.

Go to the links page and click on the link for RV Traveling Tales.


Check the Links page for the e-newsletter I am now writing for.