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Marcella Sandra Hisrchman

 2004 Allegro Bay 37DB


Here are some links to my favorite RV sites

Our home

Favorite Sites
Flamingos Galore

The Escapees RV Club, Inc.
RV Traveling Tales - Women's Journeys on the Open Road I am one of 52 women who have contributed to this wonderful book. The book is at once inspitational, humerous and educational. My only payment was a free copy and that alone was worth my submission!

Escapees CARE This is the wonderful organization I donated my book to.
Mountain Master Truck Equipment We bought our truck from them. Best deal in the US
Please note that I no longer have a link to RV Companion Magazine. The editorial integrity has degraded to such an extent that I no longer wish to affiliate myself with the publication. I have never and will never compromise my integrity. When editorial policies that are more intereted in article length than content change the truth of an author's product, it's time to move on.

Google Search-rec.outdoors.rv-travel Here's my favorite newsgroup. Put in an RV topic and get lots of answers.
Freightliner RV Haulers' Club This group is a must for Freightliner owners. We get the best information about our truck from this group. They also maintain a listing of dealers and repair shops that are rated by the members.
RV Hometown Stephanie and Jamie's awesome RV site
Dump Stations Here's a nice RV dump station locator. It's easy to use.